Case Studies
Track Record of Having
Supported Over 2,000 Business Matchings
The Saitama City Foundation for Business Creation has a track record of having supported over 2,000 business matchings. We’ll introduce a portion of those cases on this page.
Please contact us if you belong to a business that would like to advance into Japan, Saitama Prefecture or Saitama City’s industry.

German Software company provides solutions to Japan

The Würzburg-based German software company InstruNEXT GmbH and the Saitama company YS Industries Co., Ltd. are carrying out joint research and development of automatic visual inspection machines using InstruNEXT’s AI technology in Japan.
Both companies continue to deepen their relationship and collaborate for a brighter future.
Both companies continue to deepen their relationship and collaborate for a brighter future.
Collaboration between Saitama Univercity and the Instisute for Factrory Autometionand Production Systems(FAPS) of FAU

We also have German national project with cluster mekatonik & automation, FAPS and Saitama University which started in 2019 In this project, we will discuss about existing and future connections between AI and work.